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Requirements management for the Simeria-Sighisoara railway line project in Romania.

SERVICE MERCATO CLIENT Primary Group of the railway transport field YEAR 2019


Import User Needs and all System and Subsystem requirements into IBM-DOORS, set up a requirements management process and build traceability matrices.



Project challenge

  • High number of requirements and types of requirements to be managed.
  • Extensive use of the IBM-DOORS tool.


NIER helped define a requirements management process for the project based on the use of the IBM-DOORS tool.

NIER then identified and imported all the requirements related to the project, from the highest level (User Needs) to the lowest level (Subsystem Requirements), valuing all the attributes required by the tool in order to allow a correct classification.

Finally, NIER created all the links (parent-child) between the requirements in order to create the traceability matrices starting from User Needs up to the lowest level requirements, also providing the relevant coverage KPIs and justifications for any requirements not covered and/or partially covered.


Execution phases


Definition of the Requirements Management Process based on IBM-DOORS and updating of the Requirements Management Plan;



Monitoring and control of the requirements management process;



Assessment of process performance and identification of any improvements;



Capture and import into IBM-DOORS of requirements and enhancement of attributes for each requirement;



Construction of Requirements Traceability Matrices.

The work was performed using IBM-DOORS.

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