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Tailored HSEQ Training Services

SERVICE MERCATO CLIENT primary Insurance Group YEAR 2018


Develop and provide a cycle of courses on:

  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Quality and Certifications
  • Environmental pollution prevention

The training is aimed at insurance experts to provide operational tools for assessing accident and environmental risk and product liability contexts in order to more correctly quantify insurance premiums.

Project challenge

  • A highly customised training project commissioned by a leading insurance group and linked to various risk analysis domains with the aim of:
    • providing risk assessment tools in the field of occupational health and safety,
    • providing analytical tools for assessing the risk that marketed products may cause damage to consumers or third parties in general, with assessment of internal production cycle procedures that ensure product quality and safety, focusing on compulsory and optional certifications that guarantee process control and marketplace product traceability,

    mapping the main environmental risks to identify activities that may be critical for the company in relation to potential environmental damage and directing the client to adopt good practices and proper management in relation to current environmental legislation.


joint development of project goals and content guidelines regarding all stages, including planning, design, training material and delivery of the course.

Execution phases


Gathering information with dedicated and targeted meetings to define training needs.




Jointly developing and sharing course schedules and goals.






Development of courses and teaching material.




Validation of the teaching material by the client.




Delivery of courses.




Analysis of Classroom feedback.

Achieved results

Excellent involvement of training participants and identification of further learning and support needs on the relevant topics

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