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Development of Service Charters and Quality Plans in freight and passenger transport

SERVICE MERCATO CLIENT Primary private transport company YEAR 2010, 2014


Assistance in the production of documents linked to the quality management system, where the purpose is communication with clients and users.

Project challenge

To draw up the required documentation taking into account the sector references and integrating them into the company’s management system avoiding redundancy and repetition in order to keep the system complete, consistent, efficient and easy to maintain.


Study of industry standards and assessment of the optimal solution, respectively for:

  1. Development of a service charter for the BUS Rental service
  2. Development of the Local Public Transport (LPT) service charter
  3. Development of a Quality Plan for a sample transport service

all implemented at different times based on the needs and requests of the client.

Execution phases


Project set-up meeting




Support for the drafting of documentation




Definition of indicators for monitoring activity and client/user satisfaction




Verification and validation of documents by the client



Publication and dissemination.

Achieved results

Responding to regulatory and contractual requirements, Neir drew up documentation that can be easily read by the parties concerned (client or users). This documentation provides information on the service provided, communication and complaint procedures, technical and organisational methods used and monitoring and control procedures, all with maximum transparency.

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