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Business Continuity Plan Guidelines for Organized Industrial Areas in Turkey

SERVICE MERCATO CLIENT World Bank – Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) of Turkey YEAR 2019-2020


The scope of work was the implementation of a pilot study for the development of Business Continuity Plans within the framework of the “Project for Supporting Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Disaster Risk Awareness“, requested by the Department of Planning and Risk Mitigation of the Turkish Government.

As the executing company / agency, the project was implemented under the support provided by World Bank.

Project challenge

  1. To start and support the development of a Business Continuity culture in the Turkish industrial context.
  2. Define a methodology and elaborate guidelines for the development of Business Continuity Plans that take into account the common elements, but also the differences that characterize the organized industrial zones of Turkey.
  3. Train technical personnel who would disseminate the correct Business Continuity application practices in Turkish industrial zones.


The work was carried out in close collaboration with AFAD and World Bank technical representatives, as well as directly with the managers of the organized industrial zones (OIZ).

The activities carried out have included both on-site activities and coaching and training for the implementation of the plans.

The developed guidelines have been tested in the real field, applying them in two different contexts: the OIZs of Kocaeli and Iskenderun.

Execution phases


Review and analysis of national and international business continuity standards and regulations, as well as relevant legislation.


Development of a study on Lessons Learned and Best Practices.


Preparation of the Manual for the implementation of Business Continuity plans.


Elaboration of the Disaster Risk Assessment and Prioritization Report for critical services (energy, water, roads, and similar infrastructure) to ensure business continuity in two selected pilot OIZs.


Preparation of business continuity plans for selected pilot OIZs by using the manual prepared in Phase 3.


Review and finalization of the manual after the application in the OIZs.


Production of a report on recommendations for the roll-out of business continuity plans.


Provision of content and documents for Training of Trainers:

  1. training course for certification as a Business Continuity Manager for AFAD staff;
  2. definition of the concept for the Training of Trainers on Business Continuity planning;
  3. provision of materials for the Training of Trainers course on Business Continuity Plans;
  4. organization of the course for trainers;
  5. conduct the Trainers’ course and prepare a follow-up procedure.

Achieved results

  • Turkish National Guidelines for the Implementation of Business Continuity in Organized Industrial Zones;
  • Design and implementation of a training course for the development of Business Continuity plans.

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