Fire prevention in upper-tier Seveso sites

SERVICE MARKET CLIENT Companies at Major Accident Risk YEAR 2000 - 2020 in corso


Industries subject to the Seveso III Directive, whether in the chemical, petrochemical or other sectors, have as their main concern, in addition to complying with mandatory regulations, the pursuit of high company safety standards, including fire prevention. The objective underlying this governance is, in particular, the assessment, prevention and protection in relation to fire hazard, by obtaining the Fire Prevention Certificate.

Project challenge

The scope of intervention for upper-tier facilities must include the assessment of fire prevention in conjunction with aspects related to the prevention of major accidents, for each case studying the most suitable solution for each production context. The aim is to respect the health and safety of workers, ensure environmental protection and the company’s business continuity, while ensuring a reasonable economic impact.

Immersed in a reality where national legislation appears to be complex and articulated to say the least, the Nier team is constantly seeking new resources, new tools and new strategies to ensure solutions in line with regulatory developments.

The working group regularly address:

  • Design assessment practices
  • Waiver requests
  • Fire prevention licence procedures
  • Periodic renewal of fire prevention licence compliance
  • Verification and/or design of fire-fighting systems.



The team is made up of a number of technical experts with an engineering background who are able to deal with all kinds of situations, adopting a multidisciplinary technical approach as a basis.

The dynamism and flexibility of Nier’s engineers ensure that tailor-made solutions are devised for each case, in accordance with national and international legislative standards.

Nier also employs fire prevention professionals in accordance with Italian Ministerial Decree 05/08/2011 (formerly Italian Law 818/1984) regularly registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior.

Execution phases



The initial survey of a company is undoubtedly one of the most important steps, as it enables technical experts to assess the current state of the site, understand the client’s needs, evaluate the achievement of goals and offer new ideas for improvement.







Nier’s technical experts approach each design phase with extreme meticulousness, always using the right working tools and guaranteeing maximum attention to detail.

The design is carried out in accordance with industry standards, evaluating the various possible solutions at the same time and proposing the one that best suits the client.






Right from the early stages of the project, in-house technical staff are responsible for maintaining and managing relations with the bodies involved in the authorisation process, and where appropriate, adapting solutions to meet the requirements of each body.

Achieved results

The main result achieved is client loyalty through the pursuit of the required objectives and by assisting the company during supervisory body inspections, always maintaining a high level of professionalism.

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