Safety, V&V on the SW lifecycle of centralised computerised railway signalling equipment
Safety, Verification and Validation activities over the entire SW life cycle of an innovative ACC for railway signalling.
Project challenge
To accompany and support the client effectively and continuously in all activities required by the 50128 Standard for the SW lifecycle of an innovative ACC.
NIER assisted the client through all the stages of the V-cycle, checking the specification documents, analysing the security issues and proposing solutions, talking to the design team, checking the testing activities, right up to the drafting of the validation report.
Execution phases
Analysis of the User Needs and requirements of the signalling system as a whole
Analysis and identification of safety problems, with the drafting of a Hazard Analysis
Verification of design documents produced by the client
Safety analysis of the source code to identify any safety problems in the software implementation
Support to the design team in the implementation of the algorithms
Verification of the various test phases
Drafting of the necessary documentation in each phase of the V-cycle, up to the drafting of the SW Validation report.
Achieved results
NIER’s work assists the client in all phases of the V-cycle, enabling the timely detection and correction of any inconsistencies, anomalies and security issues in the specifications, software and/or testing phases, helping to assess the operating conditions of the ACC, so as to achieve a safe and efficient SW.