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Assistance of Integrated Environmental Authorization for companies in the chemical industry

SERVICE MERCATO CLIENT Primary company in the chemical field YEAR 2005-2013


Preparation of the technical documentation required to obtain the Integrated Environmental Authorisation for the Ravenna plant facility and support for subsequent obligations.

Project challenge

  • To address an initially innovative issue, such as IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control).
  • To develop and apply suitable methodological approaches and tools for activities such as analysis of the Best Available Techniques (BAT), integrated pollution assessment, verification of the existence of relevant reporting obligations.
  • In-depth study of the technical and environmental aspects of a complex chemical plant

Execution phases


Development of a methodological proposal, tools and suitable working group.


Inspections and field activities for process and plant analysis as well as the collection of information, data and documentation


Back-office activities for the preparation of documentation in accordance with the applicable regulatory guidelines and review in collaboration with company representatives up to drafting of the final version.


Support for the presentation of the application for the first AIA for the plant facility and assistance in the preliminary procedure until the regional authorisation is approved.


Subsequent assistance for related activities such as:

  • Preparation of technical documentation for modification of the AIA to comply with system modifications
  • Preparation of technical documentation for AIA renewal
  • Preparation of the technical report to verify the existence of relevant reporting obligations.

Achieved results

the authorisation and subsequent amendments/renewals were achieved.

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